A surname very familiar to those who study Coconut Grove’s early history is Munroe. There were two unrelated families with the same last name, and same spelling, that had a deep impact on the Grove from its onset. Today, Ralph may be the most well-known Munroe given that his home, The Barnacle, is a very popular tourist attraction in the heart of Coconut Grove. However, his friends, both namesake and others, were central to the early development of a community that so many admire today.
Ralph’s mother, her companion, and his uncle were also early movers and shakers in the area. Kirk and Mary Barr Munroe were internationally known writers prior to arriving in the progressive area that was briefly incorporated as a town from 1919 until 1925. Both were close friends but not related to Ralph. The Munroe family and friends set the tone for the early progress of Coconut Grove. This podcast will detail the connections to the surname of Munroe in Coconut Grove.
Miami History Blog: www.miami-history.com
Miami History Channel: www.miamihistorychannel.com
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